Resumes By Neesha Turns 1!
One year ago today, after about a month of planning, research and promotion, I went out on a limb and launched Resumes By Neesha (RBN). In one year I have learned A LOT about personal business, professionalism and my industry. I've achieved many successes and I also had to learn some hard lessons. Despite everything, I'm SO proud of RBN and I wouldn't change a thing.

When I first began, my goal for RBN was to provide well-designed resumes. Now, my vision has grown to encompass so much more. I couldn't have imagined the type of clients I would gain in a year. It's been a beautiful blessing to see people truly believe in my work.

I've had the pleasure of working with women, men, students and professionals of all ages and various industries. Working with such a diverse group of clients has helped me learn how to meet a variety of needs. Each client is unique and I've learned to treat them as such and accommodate their needs, whether that involve design choices, communication, timeliness, etc. I made it my goal to put my clients first and give them a product they could really believe in. Long hours of research on equine? You got it. Creating 5 resume drafts? No problem. Enlightening myself on common healthcare skills? No biggie. Putting in the extra work just means that my client will have a resume that speaks directly to their skills and experiences.
I want my clients' resumes to boost their confidence and help them see what they are truly capable of. I can't describe how great it makes me feel when clients tell me things like, "You know me better than I know myself," or ,"I got a job using the resume!" These experiences let me know that what I'm doing actually makes a difference. As this year has passed on, THAT has become my number one goal: to truly make a positive difference in my clients' lives.

I'm so thankful for the growth that RBN has seen and I can't wait for what the future holds. I want to give a special thank you to anyone who supported me throughout this journey. Every like, share, repost, retweet, regram and recommendation means a lot to me. Stay tuned for what's next!